Thursday, May 24, 2007

Prayer for Each Day by Dr. Jim Savage

You are invited to use this prayer everyday you feel led.

Gracious God, I praise you this day for your love, mercy and grace. You are truly an awesome God! I thank you for loving me, for offering forgiveness to me, and for sending your son, and our Savior Jesus Christ to die and rise again for me. Come into my heart this day, and make me the kind of person you would have me to be. Help me to do your will and your will alone. Help me to be honest with myself and about myself. I admit to you I am far from perfect and ask for your Holy Spirit to truly guide me this day.

Be with our president, congress, state, and local leaders. Grant them wisdom to lead and conviction for repentance in their hearts when they reject you. Be with all of our world leaders today; especially those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray you will send your Holy Spirit to them and convict them of all sin or wrong-doing, and that you would do the same with our leaders in America.

Be with our entire church, our clergy, and our entire staff that they might sense your love and your guidance. Be with our entire congregation that they might sense and know what you are calling all of us to do. Help us to truly be the church you are calling us to be. Help me to be the Christian you are calling me to be this day. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Amen.

Jim Savage

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